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Today in the world of Gadgets, Innovation and Cool Stuff

To take away the boredom, given I have things to do on my list, I read news articles on the web. That or I read a book or an actual newspaper. It’s nice to be updated and entertained by the latest news, gadgets or discoveries.

I’ll share with you today the articles that caught my eye from my most visited sites (in no particular order).

I’m a big fan of The Walking Dead and a bigger fan of Resident Evil. Somehow people believe that there will be a zombie apocalypse in the future, so people are already.. preparing, as shown in this news  article. A must in your survival kit, aside from food and ammo. I wish they make one for my country 😛
In the wilderness there’s no electricity. We all go back to the basics. I haven’t tried camping but this tent concept is nice, just that it doesn’t necessarily scream “portable”.
Yes, we don’t maintain our posture when in front of the PC for a long time. Heck, we don’t even remember to stand up, walk away and rest for a while. I’m glad there will be a product like this.

WOW. Now this tells me I can have sushi anytime I want in the comfort of my own home *insert evil laugh here*

Sometimes I do wonder why this hasn’t been invented and commercialized, especially when we have a “conserve water” advocacy. Looking forward to this one to.
All I can say is.. COOL! Don’t have space to eat or study? See it for yourself xD
This might be probable in places like Serendra and Bonifacio Global City but if this is brought to life: (1) many people will lose weight, (2) electrical bills shrink, and (3) we have a happy and healthy people and environment.

THIS will make cooking so much fun! Especially when making lasagna ♥

Lifehacker / Gizmodo

I’m into photography and while I don’t have an Android or iOS smartphone, whenever I’m with my friends I use Instagram. For 10m+ users out there, here’s a little tip for us.

Great tips to preserve your favorite clothes, from washing to storing to mending 😉

It’s nice to see how far Solar Panel Technology has advanced. If only people fully utilize this..

There are M&M’s inside! Do I need to say more? 😀


There you go! Hope you find them good reads like I did. Care to share? 🙂

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