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January Days

Everyday I’ve been saying “best weather ever!” (who isn’t? haha! I’m hoping it’s here to stay *fingers crossed*).. just like that thirty-one days have passed, ending with a celebration of Chinese New Year!

I can proudly say I’m a morning person again, waking up as early as 6:30am for 9:00am classes.. even on Sundays and holidays! My life revolves around school, home, and friends with some occasional events to spice up my routine. Forget #bedweather and stress! Here’s a recap of all good things this past month:

Time-to-catch-up movie time

I got to watch the best movies of 2013: ‘Her‘ (review), ‘The Wolf of Wall Street‘, ‘Frozen‘ and ‘12 Years A Slave‘ before school started. I love Her and Frozen the most! TWOWS is obscene for my taste but has a good story to tell and lessons about success. 12 Years A Slave made me cry so much. These movies deserve their Golden Globe and Grammy’s nomination/awards!

14 Four Cafe

Haven’t gotten around writing down a feature post, I was able to visit the cafe during a blogcon. Perfect place for dates and buying furniture/home decor!

Never a dull moment with friends

Whether it’s a random food trip or sleepover at our house, we do things spontaneously! Scheduled plans never really work out :))

Out of the blue dinner at Tokyo Tokyo 🙂

E’s craving – satisfied 🙂

Unexpected, heartwarming things

Our first homework in Rizal class was to write an essay about our life influences. I won’t go into detail but I mentioned family, friends, past relationships and God. Our professor, whom I’ve known since my first trimester in college, wrote me a note at the back of my paper:

Another blessing

I joined Faithprints’ Facebook giveaway and won! I can’t wait to get my hands on my own “Not ashamed of the Gospel” shirt teehee :”>


Feb-ibig na! It’s going to be a busy month for me, with prelims in two weeks time and first thesis demo. I also have two events scheduled as well. And spending f-o-u-r-t-e-e-n with my friends. What’s your February gonna be like? 🙂

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