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PhilCare Wellness Index: ironic facts on Pinoy health

FACT: While many Filipinos generally feel good about their health, they might not be as healthy as they think. We admit to self-medication, which is a very dangerous habit. There’s also a tendency to be mindful about our well-being only when start to get sick. And oh, we seem to be a lack in prevention of diseases.

How ironic, is it? These are just some of the many fresh findings affirmed by PhilCare Wellness Index. Top HMO provider in the Philippines, PhilCare, commissioned Dr. Fernando Paragas, a Filipino professor at the Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. He came up with an Index that is comparable to those of New Zealand (Sovereign Well-Being Index), Canada (Index of Well-Being), the US (Gallup-Healthways Well-Being 5), and Australia (Alere Wellness Index). This aims to measure and uncover the Filipinos’ sense of well-being. Wellness includes one’s physical, nutritional, medical, lifestyle, psychological, vices, and sex.

One Friday evening I was out with friends for dinner and movies when I felt very sharp pain in my abdomen area. I woke up the next day sweating because I had a fever. I didn’t want to back out so I still went to an inauguration event. I barely ate, taking refuge in Friggies EGG, Marie biscuits and water for the rest of the day. Back home I was resting then I suddenly felt heaving. After that, I was alternating between sleep, drinking water, making ORS for myself and trips to the loo. I was already suspecting it was gastroenteritis. Sunday I stayed at home and kept myself rehydrated. By Monday, the symptoms were gone.

Like many people today, I work as a consultant, thus I do not have access to typical employee benefits including HMO. Work, attending events and commuting can be stressful. Instead of binge drinking or chain smoking and damaging my body, I manage stress by resting, playing arcade or computer games, talking with my friends, listening to music and watching TV series. My only form of exercise is walking.

I admit that I also self-medicate by letting my body fight the disease on its own, coupled with lots of rest and water. I was never admitted to a hospital (even on bouts of horrible flu). I’m trying to eliminate taking medicine. I’m also guilty of binge or excessive eating, which comes from reviewing food almost every other day, but I’m learning to manage my share. Luckily I eat vegetables and fruits so it’s easy for me to trade meat. I’m also a green tea drinker. It also helps that I can now afford to buy good food, not anymore limited to cheap, processed food.

With that said, it isn’t enough. Health is wealth. Invest on it.

On that note, PhilCare recently introduced a total wellness program – the PhilCare 360. For more info, visit their website 🙂


Thank you to our new friends at PhilCare for sending over a PhilCare Wellness Box and reminding me to be proactive in taking care of myself! A jumping rope to start my day with, moringga tea to alternate with my green tea, calamansi and oatmeal soap to take care of my skin, and . As an added bonus, they included a card that I can use for an electrocardiogram (ECG), lipid profile and one Internal Medicine consult in PhilCare branches locared in Makati, Manila and Quezon City. <3

How’s your lifestyle and health, dear reader? 🙂

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