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Sangobion: Go Love Life, Be a Lifesaver!

People generally associate bloodletting as a painful activity because of their preconceived notion with needles, thus shying away from volunteering.

The demand for blood supply in hospitals is highest during December, where there’s a lot of accidents related to fireworks, gunfire and the like. Ironically there is a lack of supply because of the decrease in blood donation rates. In every seven (7) Filipinos that enter a hospital, one of them is in need of blood. Everyday that calls for 2,000 – 2,500 units.

The Philippine Red Cross (PRC), who is very active in supporting hospitals nationwide and encouraging people to donate, can only provide 25 – 30% of the country’s needs. In a move to help reach (and hopefully surpass) the national blood requirement, Merck Inc. has partnered with PRC through its leading brand Sangobion for a blood drive.

Mall goers at SM Fairview last Friday, December 5 went over to the Activity Center to line up the five-part Sangobion Iron Challenge, photobooth and the blood donation screening (free checkup!) to determine if they are healthy enough to donate blood.

The event was hosted by Ms. Patty Laurel-Filart, a Sangobion ambassador. Ms. Kelly Misa-Fernandez, another Sangobion ambassador, shared her personal experience after taking the 30-day challenge. Also present was Karylle, who sang “Kapiling Kita” from her latest album.

At around 6PM it was announced that 150 units of blood have been collected and turned over to PRC. The bloodletting activity continued until 10PM.

Patty Laurel, Merck Consumer Marketing Head Debbie Go, Merck General Manager Louie Roxas, Malou Fuentes, Kelly Misa and Merck Marketing Manager Gio Igual

I used to be afraid of needles myself but to date I have donated twice (both in school, 2007 and 2014). I made it my personal goal to donate regularly but I got sick. I wasn’t able to donate during the event because of time constraints but as soon as I’m cleared with my colds, I will drop by the nearest blood drive site.

A person can donate every three months and can help up to three people. Each unit of blood is divided into three components namely red blood cells, platelets and plasma, which is then used for different medical requirements. Not only do you save the lives of others, you also help your own body by reducing the risk of heart disease and cancer, burning calories, and a form of blood cleansing. If you’re looking for a unique gift to give this Christmas, this is it!

Be a Lifesaver project is a part of Sangobion’s Go Love Life program, aiming to encourage women to take care of their selves by changing their lifestyle. Sangobion is an organic iron supplement (Ferrous gluconate) with vitamins and minerals (Manganese sulfate, Copper sulfate, Folic Acid, Vitamin B12, Sorbitol, Vitamin C) to help you fight the five signs of anemia.

For more information about Sangobion and the campaign, visit them on Facebook. See you at the next event! 🙂

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