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The Battle Buddy Love Story

In the real world, each of us have our set of friends. They come from different backgrounds, might have a different perspective in life, but ultimately we all have something in common that bonds us

In my case those who are close to me are treated like siblings, knows me inside out, and my partners in crime. We are there for each other in times of happiness and of need. We can’t deny the fact that there are friends who are closer to us compared to others – who we call ‘best friends‘.

In the military (US Army in particular), it’s the same thing, but they’re called ‘battle buddy‘.

When you enter Basic Combat Training (BCT), you are to pick a battle buddy. This person becomes your ‘twin’ – you stay together, become each other’s rock of support and keep each other safe, in and out of combat. The relationship of battle buddies doesn’t end with one’s time of service.

The main reason why there’s a battle buddy system is primarily to reduce suicides & sexual assaults. Also it is a way to keep each other informed about key instructions and information, increase moral, encouragement and motivation, decrease stress and ease transition into the military lifestyle.


Why do I know a lot about this? Because I once had a battle buddy.

Now, to clear things up, I’m not part of the US Army or any military institution here or there. I was once in a relationship with a guy who is (still) serving in the army. Somehow he doesn’t get along that much with the men in this platoon so he turns to me when things get stressful, especially since he’s also studying.

This is true. ♥

We were best friends even before he migrated. He was my second boyfriend because someone got in the way. We were like engaged already because we decided on how our lives will be – I would be following him there.

We were happy. It feels like nothing’s changed. Well, aside from the teasing and the terms of endearment. We felt nothing of yesterday’s pains.

This somehow became our ‘theme song’ 

For someone who was affectionate and loves to give and receive hugs, it was hard. Being able to see, hear and talk to someone, but you can’t hug then when they’re down or because you want to.. I let him see my best smiles and my faith in him.

But things never go our way. We broke up. 4 months. My care and love was overbearing for him, what he said.

I contented myself being his best friend. Imagine talking to that person with a smile on your face even if you’re falling apart. Being there for him, letting him talk out all his frustrations and his worries, encouraging him when all you want to do is cry.

Until one day, he misunderstood things. He thought I was angry at him. Since then we never talked..


Funny where life took me. I never imagined myself with a military personnel nor do I believe that it’s possible for long distance relationships to last and grow.

The relationship taught me a lot about relationships. Sometimes I do wish it didn’t end but I’m already happy in my current state now.I won’t mind spending the rest of my life with him, but God has other plans for us. Everyday I pray for that day I’ll be able to talk to him again. Or if it’s God’s will, see him in person.

We were both casualties of war – the war of love. I miss my best friend, my soul mate, my battle buddy..

I’m the Hell Knight’s Princess and for now I’ll keep on praying..

“May the Lord watch between you and me while we are apart.” Genesis 31:49

“God planted a seed of faith in our hearts, all we have to do is: water it with prayers, fertilize it with words of God, cultivate it with lots of love.”


Note: Anyone who has Tumblr and wants to follow a LDR/Military Love/Love tumblog, here’s mine.

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