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The Year It Has Been, 2012 Edition

After an early morning start, spending a few hours in my mom’s apartment and strolling in the mall, I’m back home early to avoid accidents. I admit I love fireworks but I don’t want to be near them and I don’t like the loud noise. Anyway, I started typing this at 1830, making it 4.5 hours away before we welcome 2013. Until then, let me take this time to look back at 2012.


As much as we’d like to have a smooth-sailing year, what’s life without ups and downs? I had my share of unforeseen circumstances. Here’s a few:

I am happy I’m over it and happier to spend the New Year with my nanay in a better state of health.

Question: Did you go through bad times this year?


I think 2012 was the luckiest year ever, despite all the heartbreaking moments. Remember the time when I won Shaylee with a Jabra headset from Microsoft’s event last May? That was my first time to win a major prize in a raffle! It’s funny I got Shaylee when I was already set on not using a newer phone.

After that event, I tried my hand on online giveaways. I have won a couple of times this year and I would also like to thank them.

Question: Did you join any contest/raffle this year? Were you able to bring home the bacon? 🙂


There’s too much that I have learned this year that I can’t even remember everything. Haha! So here we go:

Question: What did you learn this past year?


“We met for a reason, either you’re a blessing or a lesson.”

I lost a couple of friends this year, met a lot of new people and reconnected with a few. This collage is a tribute to all those people who touched my life, one way or the other, this 2012. My family, my Saddleback Manila family, my Philippine Drupal Users/Volunteers Group family, and my awesome friends! Ate Val, sorry I wasn’t able to include you in the collage, I can’t find a picture of us together 🙁

I would also like to mention my Victory Metro East small group, my new friends/co-volunteers at Lovestruck Movement and Right Start, and my co-bloggers!

THANK YOU everyone! I hope, whatever the standing of our acquaintance or friendship, that it will grow deeper and last for as long as we live. SORRY, from the bottom of my heart, to everyone whom I have hurt in any way.

Last but not the least: THANK YOU very much Father God for all the blessings and trials in my life. Thank You for bringing such wonderful people in my life. May You continue to guide everyone and led them to You.


Your Princess ♥

Question: Is there anyone you would like to thank or say sorry too? Did you meet someone who touched your life? Feel free to share all your answers in the comments below!


2013, I’m ready for you! HAPPY NEW YEAR!

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