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A Blog’s Light: Share a Blog and Be the Light

I have a love-hate relationship with writing. I love it when I do it leisurely, same with reading, but I don’t like it as much when I’m required to. Oh the irony coming from someone who love to blog, eh? Yet it provided me the comfort of expressing myself amidst the noise — a small echo waiting to be heard, a gift from God waiting to be explored.

This blog was initially planned to be the next big blog in the technology niche, aside from the account of my beliefs, thoughts and adventures. That was the goal.

Until I started seeking God in my life again that my posts started to reflect what I’ve learned along the way – about Ruth and Boaz or the Bible’s ’emergency numbers’. Like how one of my good friends put it (re: my work as a Social Media Manager for Saddleback Manila), I am the next John, Luke or Moses — a modern day scribe.

Last February, He paved a way to further serve Him using this gift. Two Facebook friends, whom are Christians as well, posted an invitation to Light TV 33’s bloggers day event.

A Blog’s Light

The Lord said, “If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them.”– Genesis 11:6 NIV

Gathering Christian bloggers around the metro, the event served as the gateway to form partnerships in bringing back the light in this online generation with the motto: “share a blog and be the light”.

You are the light of the world..” – Matthew 5:14a

Ms. Socorro Garcia, VP for Finance & Corporate Services gave the opening remarks and Ms. Jam gave us more information about the network and the bloggers group. We got to know our fellow bloggers a little more with a fun Bingo Mania game.

Worship and entertainment was provided by Solemn Sessionistas along with a couple of dance numbers from two different Christian dance groups (sorry, I can’t remember the group names).

Light TV 33, Kaibigan mo!

The only Free Christian TV network in the country, I am familiar with it because I watch Hillsong during lunch time (that is, when I decide to forget my laptop for a while). This family-oriented ‘convergence center’ provides wholesome and timely programs while reaching out to the hearts and minds of unchurched people group. Each and every program shows them messages of hope and redemption, fulfilling one of our life missions in the process — to make disciples (Matthew 28:19).

Here’s a line up of their shows from their Facebook page:

Official Website | (02) 470-3848 |

Facebook | Twitter | YouTube


Thank you Ms. Jam and the rest of Light TV 33 for the invite and the warm welcome! Excited to serve God, hand-in-hand with your family 🙂

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