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OMF Literature Bloggers Challenge at the 33rd MIBF

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Even with the advancement of today’s technology and the multitude of things we are able to enjoy during our free time, it’s not surprising people would rather spend time on social networking sites or go out with their friends to places among other things. Not that I don’t, but it seems they have forgotten about the so-called simple pleasures in life.

One of them is reading, which has always been part of my daily activities. My first read of the day usually happens while I’m having breakfast and it doesn’t matter what material it is or where I read it. My goal is to learn something or to stimulate my mind and get ready for the work ahead.

As you can see, I got into reading at a very young age (yes, it’s a stolen shot and yes, much younger actually, than what you can see on the photo).

I got several entries here on my blog where I was compiling books for me to read, when I added another book to my Pendragon collection, or when a friend gave me a book as a Christmas gift last year. But I cannot pinpoint who exactly influenced me to indulge in reading (maybe it’s innate?). I do believe what makes me hooked until now, aside from the genre, is the smell – especially those of new books. It adds charm and gives a promise to a wonderful adventure ahead.

Spoken like a bookworm eh? 😛

33rd Manila International Book Fair

For the love of books, despite a busy schedule consisting of five (5) events happening on the same day with the restriction of a student’s budget, I still made my way to the biggest and longest-running book fair in Asia – Manila International Book Fair!

Unbelievably my first time, this event has been a yearly tradition of Pinoy bookworms. A venue for over 130 exhibitors in one location loaded with activities plus more than 10 Edu.Shops – it’s a piece of heaven on Earth ♥

Mission: Finish the OMF Literature’s Bloggers’ Challenge

One of the exhibitors, OMF Literature, launched a bloggers’ challenge. Basically, I needed to do at least five tasks (you can do all) and blog about it. Full mechanics can be found here.

Checking in~ xD

Arriving at the OMF Lit booth in Aisle K, I went straight to the Marketing table and (6) donated books to their Swap. Shop. Share program. I could have brought more but (1) most books are still used as reference so it’s hard to choose and (2) it’s too heavy for me if I decide to bring a lot. I got discount coupons in exchange 😀

Deciding which one to do next, I looked around and saw some books I wanted to buy. Luckily, the authors were at the venue to sign them! So I bought the books, lined up, had them signed up while I (1) interviewed the OMF Lit authors and had my picture taken with them 😀

Ms. Marlene Legaspi-Munar

Ms. Marlene Legaspi-Munar is the author of the book “Add Mo ‘Ko as Friend: Your Link to Real Relationships“. She is a seasoned writer, translator and maintains two blogs: Perspective and Happy Traveler.  She encouraged me to push through with my dream to publish a book one day. She said to keep writing and keep sending in to different editors until I reach my goal.

Mr. Ronald Molmisa

Mr. Ronald Molmisa is a youth minister and head pastor of Generation 3:16 Ministries, a professor and author of the books “Lovestruck: Love Mo Siya, Sure Ka Ba?”, “Pass or Fail?: Paano Maging Best Student Ever” and “Lovestruck: Singles Edition”. He shared the first Lovestruck book was four-five years in the making. (Facebook | Blog)

I then went to (8) take a nice/creative/extraordinary shoot of the booth/people/books. I honestly took a couple of shots but it seems I’m having a hard time to capture what is nice, creative or extraordinary. Here’s one which I believe justifies the goal:

Ate was reading the book for the little girl. I think there’s nothing more extraordinary than the love for books, especially for kids ♥

I’m reluctant to do some tasks because I’m too shy. I tried (2) talking to 3 customers at the OMF Lit booth and ask them what book made them fall in love with reading, but I only got successful once. The old lady told me the Bible made her fall in love with reading and is her favorite book.

Taking a break, I (7) posted on Twitter a creative/catchy tweet to my followers (and posted about OMF Lit a day before)..

If I didn’t have a 140-character limit: “Books need not to be expensive. It just needs to feed your mind, your heart and your soul – and that’s nothing money can buy. Drop by OMF Literature booth at MIBF Aisle K.”

..took my notepad, wrote something and went to (9) leave a handwritten note inside one of the OMF Lit book for some random person who will buy the book.

It reads: “Hello new owner! Congratulations on buying this book! I hope you learn a lot from it. Don’t forget the best way to enjoy this book (and what is have learned) is to share with others. Have a great day! God bless! ♥ ~ mishidems”

Before leaving the house the same day, I already (10) found out surprise item 55 in the 55 Things to Look Forward To at the MIBF.

Something for the ebook lovers!

Done! With a few minutes to spare before I went on my way, I went around and saw a lot of interesting things and people.

MP3 Bible! I think it also has songs it in 🙂 Mr. Ambeth Ocampo at the National Book Store booth. I haven’t read his “Rizal without the Overcoat” book.

Sadly, I didn’t make it on the deadline, but the experience is a reward in itself already. I would like to thank OMF Literature for my free ticket and cool challenge. Til next year! ♥

Did you go to this year’s Manila International Book Fair? Did you attend any of the activities/events? What books did you buy? Who did you meet? Share your experience!

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