Pop Culture

Book Blitz: A French Girl in New York

By on November 7, 2013

A French Girl in New York

(The French Girl series #1)

Author: Anna Adams
Release Date: December 12, 2012

About The Book

Maude Laurent is a spirited 16 year- old orphan who grew up in a small, provincial town in the North of France with a passion for piano and a beautiful voice. One day in Paris, she is discovered by an American music producer who takes her to New York to live with him and his close-knit family while producing her first album, with help from teen pop star, Matt. Maude will dive into a new fascinating world discovering New York City, music, family, love and the truth about her past.

Available FREE November 4-11!

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OMF Literature Bloggers Challenge at the 33rd MIBF

By on September 30, 2012

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Even with the advancement of today’s technology and the multitude of things we are able to enjoy during our free time, it’s not surprising people would rather spend time on social networking sites or go out with their friends to places among other things. Not that I don’t, but it seems they have forgotten about the so-called simple pleasures in life.

One of them is reading, which has always been part of my daily activities. My first read of the day usually happens while I’m having breakfast and it doesn’t matter what material it is or where I read it. My goal is to learn something or to stimulate my mind and get ready for the work ahead.

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Pop Culture

Curating a List of #Books to Read for 2012 :)

By on April 2, 2012

I’m on the quest of a list of books to read this year (so I can build my cafe into something similar to the picture above.. just joking :P). No Harry Potter, Twilight, The Hunger Games nor books by Paulo Coelho or Nicholas Sparks too. I’ve already read those.

To start it off, here’s my current list:

So far that’s what on my reading list which I plan to get started on ASAP.

Anyone who can recommend me a good book? 🙂

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