
Way Back into Photography and Photoshop

By on August 12, 2012

Now that the flood’s gone and life’s back to normal (at least here in our area), I’ve been busy cleaning these past few days. A freelance project on-going, a questionnaire I have to fill out and a couple of blog posts to be written, I have to finish all that while nursing myself back into health :’c

Anyway, I took a time off yesterday and decided to work on my Photoshop skills that has been not in use for months now. Here’s the end product:

This is the copy from Facebook. I’m having a hard time upload the original one (big file o_o). Click the picture to see it on Flickr. 🙂

I took this picture after our friend’s wedding last month in Anabel’s Tomas Morato, using my friend’s (the one on standing on the right) Nikon Coolpix P7000. Post-processing and layout done in Photoshop CS 5.5. The picture on the lower right taken by the owner of the camera during their trip in USS.

This was requested by a friend. I did my best and learned a few tricks on the way.

What do you think? I look forward to your comments! Back to coding/writing for now 🙂

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