Demi Days

Osoji, A Clean Slate

December 23, 2012

One of the quirky traditions before New Year comes is cleaning. My grandma never fails to remind us to start disposing things we don’t use anymore and to sort out which of our clothes will be taken of the cabinet.

To enjoy the upcoming festivities, I started early.

Neo with MySQL Dolphin 🙂

Gadget Cleaning

A week ago, since I don’t want to reformat my laptop again, I went through all my files. I categorized everything into four:

  • files that will be archived on my drive D
  • files that will be uploaded to SkyDrive (since I don’t have an external hard drive) for temporary back up
  • files that will be kept in their current location
  • files that will be deleted

This also gave me a chance to do my monthly maintenance, which includes updating of apps (if needed), computer antivirus and malware scanning, temporary file removal and registry fix using CCleaner, and removal of unused apps.

Yesterday, I backed up Shaylee’s files then did a reformat. I installed a little different set of apps this time around and just added my most played songs. I love how the gadget feels faster and fresh.

Let’s not forget physically cleaning our gadgets and accessories too! I tried out CDR King’s 3-in-1 Cleaning Kit (P20) which includes a bottle spray, a small brush and a cloth. It leaves no residue on my Neo and Shaylee’s screens and haven’t caused any problems for me at all.


I spent today sorting out my old clothes and deciding if I will keep them or give them away. Some items are actually with me since high school (around 3rd year I think) and were a fit until I gained weight during 2009.

Going through every single packaging/plastic bag/bag was tiring but I finally get to throw away broken items and old receipts as well as set aside paper and carton to be sold to junk shops. Here’s what I found among the mess:

Filler for college binders! I got enough to cover me if ever I get back to school next school year 😀

I gathered all my spare school supplies from pencils, art materials, paper and adhesives in one bag.

I still got my music sheets from our college’s chorale. This was way back 2006. 🙂

I have books but opted to store them in a big box for now. I don’t have my own bookshelf to proudly display them. We don’t have enought space in the house if I opt to buy one too 🙁

Notes from one of my English classes in college! All about Literary Criticism :3

I didn’t realize I had a lot of make up until today. I organized them in one of the spare drawers in our clothes cabinet.

Oh I love stationery! I suddenly missed writing & sending letters the old way :3

I should have done these two years ago, but being sentimental and very optimistic with regards to losing weight easily so it took a while for me. Finally done with that, I can say it feels awesome to let go. I can’t remember the last time cleaning felt like a therapy and not as a chore.


Like the Japanese, New Year’s cleaning for us Filipinos involves thorough cleaning –  like turning the house upside down. They call this routine as “osoji”. Things left to do before the New Year include sweeping our garage (maybe scrub it with soap and water), dusting away the top of our cabinets as well as the displayed items, and cleaning my brother’s room. I’m half-way there but I think I won’t be the one doing all of it. 🙂


Have you started on your New Year’s cleaning or did you start ahead of time like I did? You don’t have to do it all in one day, especially if you have a bigger house or have to many things to attend to this Yuletide season.

Out with the old, in with the new.

I hear fireworks in our neighborhood already. Time for me to go out and watch. Ciao! Merry Christmas! ♥

  1. yeah spring cleaning is cool thoguh our house is very clean already because we just moved to our new home!! And eveyrthing is almost new alreayd great job dear! xx

  2. I missed doing my year-end cleaning back home in San Pedro where my year end cleaning lasts for a week. XD

    Definitely, I’ll do sort some of my files in our laptops before 2013.

  3. Oh yeah. Tomorrow, my boyfriend and I are going to spend the entire cleaning. That’s scrubbing the floor, rearranging furniture, doing the laundry and more!

    Just like you, we make sure that our home’s clean… really really clean before the new year comes!

  4. Although the topic is about cleaning, I remember two things, the clean slate, a software that Bruce wayne gave to miss kyle, and because of Osoji, I remember the japanese kid song, one that we sing in our school, here in davao Sho jo ji, because I school from grade 5 to 4th year highschool in Philippine Nikkei Jin Kai International School

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