Demi Days

#tbt: Thesis A

October 10, 2013

It’s our prelim exams next week & our first software demo the week after! Time flies by fast! I’m taking a quick break (I miss writing!) to share this week’s Throwback Thursday thing.

I just did a quick edit and printing of our Software Engineering proposal (we’re doing Automated Sales and Inventory System with Bar Code) and I had the urge to skim through my first Thesis proposal.


Originally, I entered the Computer Science program because of my love for games. I thought it was cool if I could also produce ones in the future. “Castalia, A Dark Twilight” was my first step towards that dream.


I had fun conceptualizing the game. It came from various influences all throughout my journey as a gamer, from books and from anime and the desire to contribute to our local gaming industry. I finished doing the documentation up to Chapter 3 with the game was ready for production. But things change and my fascination wasn’t enough as a motivation to push through.


Random Quick Facts:
– 2D, side scrolling
– adventure genre
– choose from a swordsman (Szeo), a priestess (Ravaella) or a magician (Eiko). Each one has a corresponding ‘guardian’.
– software development tool: C# / XNA Game Studio 3.1

Maybe someday I can still create the game, modify the gameplay and features a bit depending on the available technology. Or conceptualize other games. Hehe.

For next trisem, where I’m going to take Thesis B, we’re proposing an Online Ordering and Reservation System. I’m still figuring out what technologies we will utilize aside from Paypal.

What was your undergraduate thesis about? Let’s talk about it in the comments below 🙂

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