
3 Reasons to Invest in Real Estate Amidst Crisis

April 8, 2021

Is it a good time to invest in real estate during a pandemic?

There are a lot of success stories on perseverance, about starting from scratch and finally reaching their dreams. Every story of those people who seize every opportunity to make things happen on their own, who provide for their families through their hard-earned money is truly inspiring. These stories continue to empower us amidst this pandemic. Despite pay cuts, job loss, and other major financial problems we are facing today because of the outbreak and current economic recession, our life continues to roll. Although most of our savings nowadays might be spent more on immediate needs, we should still consider putting our extra income into long-term investments, like real estate properties.

We are currently living in an extraordinary period and in this time of uncertainty, we have to see the importance and advantages of having property investments. These are less volatile than other forms of investments and a good source of passive income, especially for people considering retirement. Investing in real estate is a provident investment every struggling person nowadays won’t regret, as long as they carefully plan ahead to make it successful. You will reap the fruits of your investment earlier than expected when you have done it right the first time.

Real estate investments provide greater cash flow. When you pay off the mortgage and operating expenses over time, your net income from the investment increases. Take a look at some of the benefits of property investment even during this pandemic.

An asset and source of active/passive income

When you purchase a home, mortgage payments go toward building equity – an asset that is part of your net worth. Your net worth can increase if your house appreciates in value, plus there’s the potential to get all your money back — and more — if you choose to sell. When you invest in a house and lot, you may have to take on a loan. This means your net worth may not increase right away, but it will almost surely pay off in the long run, as long as you pay your mortgages on time.

To get a better idea about your total mortgage payments every month, interests accumulated over time versus your capital, this free online mortgage calculator comes in handy anytime, anywhere you go.

Property value goes up

It was expected that there will be negative growth in the real estate industry but data shows increasing house prices in the UK alone – indicative of a resilient market. Experts predict that it will stabilize in the coming months as more and more economies from around the world reopen along with the inoculation of the vaccines.

It also adds value when you do home improvements like repairing flaws in your property or renovations in the exterior or interior, especially if you’re focused on buying and selling properties.

A perfect retirement plan

The value and the cash flow of properties increase over time, which means the longer you invest in real estate, the more you can earn in the long run. This clearly shows that real estate is a perfect retirement plan for anyone who wants to continue earning even after retirement.

Economists analyzed asset returns in developed countries over the last 150 years, and they found out that rental properties actually combined the high returns of stocks with the low volatility of bonds. Real estate investing for retirement indeed offers the best of both worlds.

When investing in real estate, just make sure to avoid making common investment mistakes like choosing the wrong location or asset. You should also look for a reliable real estate developer to help you lay down your property investment roadmap to success.

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