Demi Days

Hello 22! -Part 1- :)

April 2, 2012

Late post again. This time it’s about my birthday!

I passed by Ms. Ryne’s office before I fetched Ate Bernz (who was insisting that we have dinner together since I cancelled the overnight bonding a day before). We went around the mall to eat snacks and play at Timezone. Dropped by her house a bit to get stuff then went grocery shopping (since I pushed through the event last minute).

Then we went to McDonald’s to wait for our friends. Before heading off to our friend’s house, we ate since Blaze and Papa Tan went there directly from work.

And here’s a lot of random pictures during our overnight stay. These were taken when we just got at Jen’s house.

And these when Mark already arrived.. you’ll see how kulit we are 😛

Mark had to take home Blaze, so while waiting for him, we fooled around, set up the bed and the laptop for movie viewing. Jen is always the target so what you see is normal 😛

When Mark got back he ate while taking to Jen, Papa Tan was checking his work laptop while me and Ate Bernz were talking to Blaze via Facetime.

Snacks Mark brought. We only ate the Pringles :3

In the end we decided to watch Pathology. I personally didn’t like it much. I dozed off a few times but did get to see the last 15 minutes of the movie. I don’t have pictures on the morning we had breakfast and before we went separate ways.

Though there were a few things that ticked me off that day, all in all I had fun being with my closest friends. I just wish everyone was there though. Anyway, there’s a part two on the works :3

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