
On Being An Efficient Freelancer

January 10, 2016

Sure, working at home sounds fun–but do you seriously know what’s ahead of you?

With a more flexible schedule and without the hassle of commuting through the hell we call EDSA, work-at-home employees can avoid some of the daily struggles that regular employees experience.

But don’t believe the lies: the freelance life is not all sunshine and roses.

Here, we shatter some myths on being a freelancer, and what you can do to make the freelance life easier for you:

Expectation: You will have more personal time within your day.

Working at home gives you the freedom to pursue leisurely activities that you can’t do when you’re in the office. (Hurray to watching and reading everything AlDub, 24/7!)


Without the pressure of the 9-to-5 setup, some adopt a really relaxed attitude towards work. This might not be the most productive work approach for others.

Since your work life is mixed with your personal life, without the right discipline, working at home can take more time than working in an office.

Using tools such as Trello and Google Calendar can help you manage your time and workload more efficiently.

Expectation: You will be saving a lot of money from staying at home.

Ka-ching! You no longer need to spend on gas and commutes going to work, or to shop for suits or dresses (wearing your pajamas for the whole day: check!).

Fewer clothing and transportation expenses mean more $$$!


Newsflash: not having an actual workplace can also be expensive. Since you’ll probably stay at home all day, utility bills will spike up and could take a chunk out of your budget.

Some freelance professionals also prefer working in coffee shops or establishments in order to become productive, which means spending money on expensive coffee or pastries.

Try apps like Monefy and GoodBudget, which can help you keep track of your spending habits.

Expectation: You finally have time to travel and take long vacations.

Because your office is wherever your laptop is, you can take those long-postponed trips to Cambodia, Maldives, Turkey, Germany, Italy…(Time to grab all those seat sales!)


While freelancing gives you the freedom from an eight-hour work structure and a fixed working space, freelancers may need to meet up with their clients to update them on their deliverables–which means they couldn’t take long vacations as frequently as they would want to.

Also, they would also need to be online regularly to connect with their clients and check up on other work opportunities. That might mean skipping destinations where the internet connectivity is unreliable.

Unstable internet connections aside, looking for work and keeping in touch with clients can be done on your mobile phone. has developed a way for their users to work anywhere and anytime through their Freelancer mobile app.

The mobile app alerts you with new work opportunities, allows you to apply on the jobs related to your skills, and communicate with your clients–all on the go.

Expectation: You don’t have to put up with your coworkers and your boss.

Most of us have worked with someone we just can’t stand (like that co-worker who always rubs you the wrong way with his politically-incorrect jokes.) Being a freelancer allows you to choose which people you want to work with, and drop the ones you hate.


Sure, you might not get to deal with terrible officemates–but that might mean you’d have to deal with family members who pester you, 24/7. And unlike officemates you say goodbye to at the end of the working day, you can’t ditch your mom who keeps sending you off to do errands while you’re focused with finishing your work.

Aside from that, working from home can be a lonely experience, as you’re isolated from engaging in stimulating conversations with office mates who challenge you.


Even when you’re no longer in an office, you should continue talking to people in your field to encourage creativity and productivity. Look out for interesting events related to your profession, organized through or Impact Hub.

  1. I did consider going on a freelance after leaving my first work. But then, I have to agree with the discipline that lies behind working on a freelance. (Which I know I won’t be able to keep up) This article is an eye-opener. 🙂

    Patty ❤️

  2. Hi Dems! HappY New Year !

    appear tayo sa trello, it helps me to organize my thoughts and tasks. what i like about it pa, i can save yung links ng articles for my research or gustong basahin)…

    so far ang pinakamahirap for me is the time struggle and productivity. But i think mas better yung status ko this time sa mga bagay na yan… thanks sa trello, paglalagay ng strict deadline ( planner), and yes dedicated work station.

    Just to share din… malaking tulong yun pagkakaroon ng home office separate sa room mo. it may sounds stupid at first, but rewarding in the long run. before stressed ako kasi either sobrang sipag ko or sobrang tinatamad ako kasi pagbangon ko kita ko na agad ung work station. But noong nag-home office (store ko rin) and nandoon ako, it gives signals sa mga tao dito sa tao na work mode na ako. Wala na yung kakatok dahil gusto lang ng kausap then psychologically and physically… doon ko unti-unting na-feel ang work-life balance. kasi may separation at concentration.


    1. Happy new year, dear!

      Thanks for dropping by and sharing your pro tips! Unfortunately I do not have space to separate my work table from my room so either I go to a nearby coffee shop or put on some music when I’m working. Though, that doesn’t stop my lola for checking on me from time to time and talking kahit naka earphones ako haha XD

  3. Hi Dems!

    I’m freelancing right now and yes, I agree that you definitely need self-discipline and time management to make it work.

    Have you ever tried coworking spaces? ☺ I haven’t yet but I’m thinking of trying it out because collaboration gets your creative juices flowing. ☺


    1. Hey Patricia! Yes, I have visited various co-working spaces and tried working a few times. I didn’t really get to talk to others though. In case you are in Megamall and would like to co-work in one of the coffee shops in the area, let me know. Also, I’m going to post a free co-working voucher in a few days so hope you drop by again on the blog 🙂

      Btw, are you familiar with Their paid plans come with co-working spaces perks.

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