Demi Days

I don’t know about you but I’m feeling twenty seven.

August 14, 2017

Hello! Kumusta? It’s been a while since I have lived up to the “DANGmusings” brand.

If you’ve been following my posts on social media (or the lack thereof), you know I’ve been busy working on something important to me (the details would be revealed on the right time).

I’ve had opportunities to travel and attend events but the constant bad stress, with occasional bouts of sickness, piled up and I eventually burnt out. But my schedule is clearing up soon so hooray for rest days!

Anyhoo, I usually save posts like this one for when I’m about to level up. It’s only been 137 days (and counting) yet it’s been a roller coaster ride of emotions.

But today, let me share some random thoughts on what I feel about being 27:

  • Should I say mid twenties or late twenties? I’m not that young anymore but not that old either.. although I do feel old huhuhu 😓
  • I think I’m getting better with this adulting thing. I noticed a shift in my mindset, more so when Nanay passed away. For example, I would say “ayoko na” out of habit. In reality, I’d take a break then get back to work.
  • Failing is okay. If you’re scared to disappoint people, don’t. I was. I still am. But if they really mean well, they will continue to support you. Just keep trying.
  • It’s equally important to not stop dreaming AND working towards achieving those dreams. Quitting / running away is not an option anymore.
  • I remind myself to loosen up and have fun too to balance it out, mindful of my preferences and limits.
  • In general, people would assume I’m younger than my age OR ask me if I’m married or have kids. I’m used to it. At home though is another story.
  • Me before they knew I was in a relationship: family would always ask if I have a boyfriend.
  • Me after introducing July: family would always ask about our plans or get advice about marriage and pregnancy. It’s crazy and amusing at the same time!
  • I know they are just concerned, especially since I’m three years away from the big 3-0. The nonconformist in me is not worried about settling down or having kids yet. God willing, it will happen in His time.
  • I seriously did not develop good skincare habits. Case on point: a friend of mine actually laughed at me when I said I forgot to put on sunblock. See? 😂 Thanks to my mestizo lolo and chinita lola’s genes, I didn’t worry too much about breakouts and stuff. Now I do think about my combination skin (dry+oliy), eyebags, elasticity and uneven tone 😅

What was it like for you when you were 27? Is there anything else that I need to anticipate? Let’s talk about it at the comments section or via social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram) 🙂

  1. Can’t relate since I am not yet hitting that age. Lol. Sooner i will be. Don’t forget that I am always here for you no matter what. Thank you for everything and continue to be a blessing to others. See you soon!

  2. And it just so happen that I’m reading this post – a few days after turning 27. Hahaha! It was by accident that I suddenly stopped by your blog and saw this post. I guess being an NBSB makes me feel “I’m being left out” and at the same time, “I don’t wanna go there yet” feeling. Hahaha! But I can relate to the focus on work instead of always giving up before hitting the “real” limit. I still have the “ranting” and “being stubborn” moments but I guess age actually mellows my attitude (especially towards agitation @_@).

    1. Welcome to the club, ateng! Some old habits are hard to correct hehe but the important thing is we’re always doing something to improve ourselves. Enjoy this season in your life as much as you can. Ibang level ang pressure to get married and have kids hehe. Being stubborn will be back full swing when we become lolas of Manila hahaha! :p

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