Now that the flood’s gone and life’s back to normal (at least here in our area), I’ve been busy cleaning these past few days. A freelance project on-going, a questionnaire I have to fill out and a couple of blog posts to be written, I have to finish all that while nursing myself back into health :’c
Anyway, I took a time off yesterday and decided to work on my Photoshop skills that has been not in use for months now. Here’s the end product:

I took this picture after our friend’s wedding last month in Anabel’s Tomas Morato, using my friend’s (the one on standing on the right) Nikon Coolpix P7000. Post-processing and layout done in Photoshop CS 5.5. The picture on the lower right taken by the owner of the camera during their trip in USS.
This was requested by a friend. I did my best and learned a few tricks on the way.
What do you think? I look forward to your comments! Back to coding/writing for now 🙂