PHILTOA’s 34th Philippine Travel Mart all set this September

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6 Essentials to Prioritize When Moving In To Your Own Space

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BIR Registration for Freelance Writers and Other Non-Licensed Professionals (2021)

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My Dormitos Cubao Capsule Pod Experience

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Demi Days

The Song That Gave Me The Answers I Needed To Hear :)

By on January 8, 2012

I admit, I’m in the state of confusion in a certain part of my life. That is, aside from being very busy and battling with colds that I’m not able to update my blog. I use all my time to work, watch NCIS episodes when I’m resting and sleep.

I turn to music too, when I want to focus on what I am doing or when I’m thinking about things. Or when I want to find answers. In another search of a beautiful song to add in my list, I stumbled upon Jason Mraz:ย “I Won’t Give Up“.

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My Life Guide

By on November 28, 2011

I used to live a life where I was always playing safe. I think being brought up in a sheltered environment made me that way. I don’t play outside with other kids, unless I am in school. I had a service from grade school up to 2nd year high school. I don’t go out alone to the mall and the places that I know is just my hometown and the mall nearest our house.

All of that changed in high school. I learned to play computer games. I get to go to my classmate’s house for projects/practice. I get to commute everyday on my own.

And a lot of firsts in college. I don’t say I already tried everything that there is. I still have a lot ahead of me. Things that people tell me I have to try to do because it’s fun, it’s inspiring, it’s interesting, etc. To live each day as if it’s the last, to live life to the fullest. And this is where this quote comes in.

I do things that I love, I decide on my own, I do what makes me happy.. As long as it’s not against my principles in life.

Even if it means I stand alone. ๐Ÿ™‚

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There’s more to a sweet tooth :)

By on November 7, 2011

I love food. I’m the type of person who loves to eat and don’t fuss about the weight gain. I love to try new restaurants and give my feedback/recommendation about it. Above all, I’m a sweet tooth. I love cakes, ice cream and chocolate. It definitely makes my day especially when I’m down or blue or just down right stress.

I stumbled upon a blog post linking love and sweets. It’s a good read. See for yourself ๐Ÿ™‚

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