6 Essentials to Prioritize When Moving In To Your Own Space

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BIR Registration for Freelance Writers and Other Non-Licensed Professionals (2021)

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My Dormitos Cubao Capsule Pod Experience

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Demi Days

2013 Page 1: Fresh Start

By on January 2, 2013

The morning of New Year’s Eve, we went over to mom’s house and I jokingly suggested we watch a movie. I remember when we were younger, my mom and my step-dad would bring us to the mall during Christmas and New Year. We would watch one MMFF entry, play at World’s of Fun and eat at the food court or fast-food.

My brother was thinking it was a joke when she agreed. But mom already scheduled it. He only believed it when she said she already bought the tickets, 30 minutes before our agreed meeting time. 🙂

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Demi Days

The Year It Has Been, 2012 Edition

By on December 31, 2012

After an early morning start, spending a few hours in my mom’s apartment and strolling in the mall, I’m back home early to avoid accidents. I admit I love fireworks but I don’t want to be near them and I don’t like the loud noise. Anyway, I started typing this at 1830, making it 4.5 hours away before we welcome 2013. Until then, let me take this time to look back at 2012.

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Every on-the-go tech yuppie’s dream: Phorce

By on December 24, 2012

I’m usually on-the-go and most of the time it’s a must for me to bring along my laptop, Neo. Sadly, not every corner in the city has an outlet that you can readily plug into when you really need it. Same thing goes for my smartphone, Shaylee. Using wifi/3G takes a toll in battery consumption, not to mention when I take pictures during events, listen to music on the road or verify my location/destination via maps. Well, good thing that’s about to change with Phorce.

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