6 Essentials to Prioritize When Moving In To Your Own Space

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BIR Registration for Freelance Writers and Other Non-Licensed Professionals (2021)

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My Dormitos Cubao Capsule Pod Experience

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Nokia launches the Lumia 510 exclusively at all Wellcom outlets

By on November 13, 2012
Dems Angeles Nokia Lumia 510

It’s time to switch to a smartphone at a price you’ll love!

The new entry-level smartphone brings the Windows Phone experience to a lower price point without compromising the similar intuitive features of the other high-end Lumia models. With a 4-inch screen displaying 400×800 resolution, the display clarity is quite impressive. Its 4GB mass memory with 7GB SkyDrive cloud storage can store thousands of sound files and high-resolution pictures.

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Event: Drupal Developers Day 2012

By on October 23, 2012

Whether you’re clueless about Drupal or ready to further your working knowledge, as long as you’re open to learning, let’s meet on Saturday as the Philippine Drupal Users Group (PHDUG) will be hosting Drupal Developers Day 2012 on October 27, 2012 at the Microsoft Philippines, 8/F 6750 Ayala Office Tower, Ayala Ave. Makati City from 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM.

Created by: Ericson Luciano

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Beauty and Fashion

Hair TLC with Power Relaxing at Azta Urban Salon

By on October 12, 2012

I love taking care of my crowning glory. I used to have a long one when I was a kid but they decided to cut it short before I started schooling. Today, I do my best to grow it out again.

Somewhere along the way though, my hair turned wavy, especially on the front part. Maybe that’s expected from people with a heart-shaped hair line, but I somehow got the impression that my hair is nagtampo.

So I regularly have it rebonded, to the point that I know all the steps (just teach my how to section the hair properly :P). My last one was December 2011 and my mom said to wait for December again (since I delayed it during summer). A stroke of luck and I was given an opportunity to give my hair some TLC it needs ♥

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Words Can Kill

By on October 6, 2012

Once again, it has been raised to my attention the alarming increase of bullying incidents in schools. More than 1,700 cases of child abuse and bullying was documented by the Department of Education for SY 2013-2014*. While not particularly new, people usually have their attention and action against hazing activities.

Before you read on, take a clean sheet of paper. Crumple it, stomp on it, mess it up, but don’t rip it. Try to unfold it, smooth it out after and tell it you’re sorry. Look how scarred and dirty it is now. Nothing you do will make it look brand new. the scars are left behind. Imagine this is how a child feels when another person bullies them, no matter how you try to fix things or tell them you’re sorry..

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