PHILTOA’s 34th Philippine Travel Mart all set this September

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6 Essentials to Prioritize When Moving In To Your Own Space

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BIR Registration for Freelance Writers and Other Non-Licensed Professionals (2021)

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My Dormitos Cubao Capsule Pod Experience

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Review: ULoad, Digital e-load Vending Machine

By on April 6, 2013

I would always shake my head whenever my brother would complain he doesn’t have enough allowance for his daily expenses but he keeps at least two mobile phones and spend on load for both. I bet you do too. With prepaid credits selling like pancakes in the text capital of the world, an e-loading business is definitely a profitable venture. But what if you don’t have the time to tend to hundreds of customers daily? Time to invest on an automated kiosk: ULOAD.

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A Blog’s Light: Share a Blog and Be the Light

By on April 5, 2013

I have a love-hate relationship with writing. I love it when I do it leisurely, same with reading, but I don’t like it as much when I’m required to. Oh the irony coming from someone who love to blog, eh? Yet it provided me the comfort of expressing myself amidst the noise — a small echo waiting to be heard, a gift from God waiting to be explored.

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