6 Essentials to Prioritize When Moving In To Your Own Space

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BIR Registration for Freelance Writers and Other Non-Licensed Professionals (2021)

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My Dormitos Cubao Capsule Pod Experience

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Nokia introduces new Nokia Lumia 620

By on December 11, 2012

Nokia’s third and most affordable Windows Phone 8 smartphone offers youthful appeal

Nokia introduced the Nokia Lumia 620, the third and most affordable in its range of Windows Phone 8 smartphones. Alongside the flagship Nokia Lumia 920 and mid-range Nokia Lumia 820, the Nokia Lumia 620 offers a more fun, youthful appeal, and compact design.

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Nokia redefines digital map landscape by introducing HERE as new brand for its location and mapping service

By on December 5, 2012
Dems Angeles HERE Logo

Nokia announces new partnership with Mozilla and planned acquisition of 3D capture company, earthmine

Nokia introduced HERE, the first location cloud to deliver the world’s best maps and location experiences across multiple screens and operating systems. With the new brand, HERE, Nokia aims to inspire a new generation of location services and devices that make the mobile experience more personally significant for people everywhere.

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Nokia launches the Lumia 510 exclusively at all Wellcom outlets

By on November 13, 2012
Dems Angeles Nokia Lumia 510

It’s time to switch to a smartphone at a price you’ll love!

The new entry-level smartphone brings the Windows Phone experience to a lower price point without compromising the similar intuitive features of the other high-end Lumia models. With a 4-inch screen displaying 400×800 resolution, the display clarity is quite impressive. Its 4GB mass memory with 7GB SkyDrive cloud storage can store thousands of sound files and high-resolution pictures.

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Event: Drupal Developers Day 2012

By on October 23, 2012

Whether you’re clueless about Drupal or ready to further your working knowledge, as long as you’re open to learning, let’s meet on Saturday as the Philippine Drupal Users Group (PHDUG) will be hosting Drupal Developers Day 2012 on October 27, 2012 at the Microsoft Philippines, 8/F 6750 Ayala Office Tower, Ayala Ave. Makati City from 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM.

Created by: Ericson Luciano

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